'JONO The Boy Without Much - The Day of an Empty Metal Bucket' is based on true events that happened to the author, Jonathan Daniel. Jono grew up in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe during the 1960s-1970s. Jono, along with his little brother Ringie and their friend Charles, have some lively adventures while growing up in a very poor community. This funny story tells how little Jono got stuck in a metal bucket the boys were playing with...and the adventures he had to go through to regain freedom from the bucket! Your purchase of this book will directly support orphans and widows in Jonathan's birth country of Zimbabwe, Africa. Thank you in advance for partnering with this good work and making a difference. Your purchase will provide life and hope to many who need it!

Written by Jonathan Daniel
Edited by Tembo and Robin Daniel
Illustrated by Richard Dobbs Jr.


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